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About: About

We are a socially conscious team, and our love for ESG is contagious. 

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ESG | Design Think Tank

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 Co-Founder | CEO 

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Co-Founder | Head of People & Sustainability.

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GRC | Operations

About: Team Members

Our VISION Team are innovators and passionate. 

Our team lives and breathes all aspects of the Environment and Climate. 

We are passionate about workplace diversity, working with suppliers who are committed to reducing their environmental footprint.  We are passionate about diversity, protecting our planet and creating a better world for our children and future generations. 


As Australians, we grew up surfing daily, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors. Then, after university, we grabbed our backpacks, a rite of passage for many Australians and discovered in awe the natural wonders of our beautiful world. 

We took for granted our world, and our passion and commitment to ESG ignited. Then, we witnessed the devastation of climate change, society's social unrest, and the horror ravaged upon many with Covid-19.  All aspects of Environmental and Social has affected our lives, and we can't wait for Governments globally to regulate. 


Our office consciously reduces our environmental footprint by lowering plastics, reducing all paper use, purchasing recycled products; when travelling ensuring we are buying carbon offsets and planting trees days. In addition, we are 100% committed to diversity and inclusion. 

Founded back in 2011, we commenced in a Consulting capacity at Goldman Sachs JB Were.  We identified an opportunity within the Hedge Fund industry and developed our Vision™ software to bring trust and transparency for Auditors, Regulators, Investors through to Shareholders through compliance and operational excellence. 


Our expertise in Governance resulted in Vision™developing into an Enterprise Information Management system. In addition, our focus on innovation resulted in us being an early adopter of Cloud architecture and allowing our customers to access Vision™ software on any device, anywhere. 

We are passionate about doing good, and our software has the opportunity to make profound changes for all.   Our ESG Vision™ Framework is built with passion and purpose.

About: Features

Share our Vision™ and our endless source of Inspiration. 

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About: Pro Gallery
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